UCSA Memories from the 1970s

University of Canterbury alumni share their memories of the 1970s.

Last updated
1:20pm 9th November 2017

Contains 44 items in 5 collections

1978 - Photograph of Okeover House
1978 - Photograph of Okeover House
A scanned copy of a black and white photograph of students posing next to and on top of Okeover House at the University of Canterbury. The photograph was taken in 1978.
University Bookshop Poster
University Bookshop Poster
A scanned copy of a handmade poster advertising the University Bookshop (UBS) on campus, and the Book Shop in the Arts Centre. The poster was produced in the 1970s and was sourced from archives held at Macmillan Brown Library.
1972 - Canta Magazine
1972 - Canta Magazine
A scanned copy of an artwork from the University of Canterbury Students' magazine, Canta, in 1972.
1972 - Photograph of Graduation in the Quad
1972 - Photograph of Graduation in the Quad
A scanned copy of a black and white photograph of graduation day at the University of Canterbury town site in 1972. The photograph depicts students dressed in regalia, moving in a procession through the quad.
UCSA Notebook
UCSA Notebook
A cropped image depicting the cover of a UCSA ring-bound notebook. The cover image is a photograph of the Students' Union Building (later known as the UCSA) taken from University Drive.
1973 - Photographs of Peer Gynt Production
1973 - Photographs of Peer Gynt Production
Photographs of Peer Gynt, a production by the University of Canterbury Drama Society in 1973.
Contains 10 items
Canta in the 1970s
Canta in the 1970s
Pages from the University of Canterbury student magazine, Canta, published in the 1970s.
Contains 10 items
DramaSoc Posters
DramaSoc Posters
Scanned copies of posters produced by the University of Canterbury Drama Society during the 1970s.
Contains 6 items
Jeff Field's memories from the 1970s
Jeff Field's memories from the 1970s
Scanned copies of black and white photographs, together with videos of Jeff Field sharing his memories of the UCSA.
Contains 5 items