South Island Writers' Association Collection

The South Island Writers' Association (SIWA) is a Christchurch based writing group which meets monthly to hone their writing and discuss issues related to publishing. Established in 1963, SIWA was originally called the 'Christchurch Writers' Circle' with Dame Ngaio Marsh as the patron. Today, the group holds more than sixty members from Christchurch, Karamea, Nelson, Akaroa and Oamaru. They promote and run a number of literary competitions and events to foster the art of writing in New Zealand. This collection contains stories from SIWA members written about the 2010 and 2011 Canterbury earthquakes.

Last updated
7:51pm 5th November 2017

Contains 8 items in 3 collections

Jane Seaford's Writing
Jane Seaford's Writing
Jane Seaford is a member of the South Island Writers' Association and the assistant fiction editor of the New Zealand literary magazine, Takahe. Her novel "Archie's Daughter" was published on 5 August 2012 by and she has had a number of story stories placed, highly commended or short-listed in international competitions, published in anthologies or magazines, and broadcast on the radio. This collection holds a number of short stories Jane wrote about the Canterbury earthquakes which were broadcast on Radio New Zealand. More can be read about Jane here:
Contains 2 items
John Ewen's Writing
John Ewen's Writing
John Ewen has written short stories, poetry and plays as well as non-fiction some of which appeared in Takahe and anthologies. His work has been broadcast by Radio NZ and his short stories have been placed or short-listed in national competitions. Having completed the Hagley College Writing Course, John has been a member of SIWA for many years and credits the variety of its monthly writing competitions for greatly advancing the standard of his writing in all genres. This collection holds a poem which John wrote about the Canterbury earthquakes.
Contains 1 item
Shirley Eng's Writing
Shirley Eng's Writing
Shirley Eng writes text books, poetry and fiction. Her young adult novel 'Nice Try, Kopuwai.' was one of four to be short listed in the 2012 Tessa Duder Story Lines Award. Her short fiction has been short listed in International and National short story competitions and she has had seventeen of her stories broadcast by National Radio, including a set of earthquake stories that she and Jane Seaford, were asked to write. She has been an active member of South Island Writers' Association for some years. This collection holds a number of short stories Shirley wrote about the Canterbury earthquakes which were broadcast on Radio New Zealand.
Contains 5 items