Raymond Morris's Paintings

Digital copies of pen and ink and watercolour paintings of heritage buildings, painted by Christchurch artist Raymond Morris.

Raymond Morris is a New Zealand artist who lives in Christchurch but works internationally, and specializes in painting heritage buildings in pen and ink and watercolours. In recent years he has completed a series on 'Heritage English Public Houses', as well as presently working on paintings of '100 Classic Homes of Canterbury'. Digital copies of these paintings will in due course be offered to the New Zealand Historic Places Trust for their archives. He has also contributed illustrations to New Zealand book titles including ‘Lancaster Park, a History’, ‘Timaru at Last, Arrival of the Strathallan’, and ‘Christchurch Buildings Watercolour Collection’ for which he donated the digital copies of the paintings to the Nurse Maude Hospice for their fundraising.

As well as painting many fine buildings of the present era, one of his great passions is recreating, in a colour painting, the historic buildings of bygone years. Due to the 2010/2011 earthquakes he has and is still working on painting many of the familiar buildings which were around Christchurch prior to the earthquakes and have now disappeared. Fortunately he had an extensive photographic record of city buildings as an aid in painting the missing buildings. Most of his historic photographs from previous extensive travels are now with the National Museum of Australia and the Alexander Turnbull Library in New Zealand. Other paintings may be accessed on his website www.raymondmorrisnzartist.com.

Last updated
7:42pm 5th November 2017

Contains 83 items

Raymond Morris's painting, '111-113 Lichfield Street'
Raymond Morris's painting, '111-113 Lichfield Street'
A digital copy of a pen and ink and watercolour painting by Raymond Morris, titled, '111-113 Lichfield Street'.
Raymond Morris's painting, '127 Lichfield Street, Christchurch'
Raymond Morris's painting, '127 Lichfield Street, Christchurch'
A digital copy of a pen and ink and watercolour painting by Raymond Morris, titled, '127 Lichfield Street, Christchurch'.
Raymond Morris's painting, '167-177 High Street, Christchurch'
Raymond Morris's painting, '167-177 High Street, Christchurch'
A digital copy of a pen and ink and watercolour painting by Raymond Morris, titled, '167-177 High Street, Christchurch'.
Raymond Morris's painting, '178 Manchester Street, Hillary and Marshall Building'
Raymond Morris's painting, '178 Manchester Street, Hillary and Marshall Building'
A digital copy of a pen and ink and watercolour painting by Raymond Morris, titled, '178 Manchester Street, Hillary and Marshall Building'.
Raymond Morris's painting, '181 Victoria Street (Carlton Butchery), 2009'
Raymond Morris's painting, '181 Victoria Street (Carlton Butchery), 2009'
A digital copy of a pen and ink and watercolour painting by Raymond Morris, titled, '181 Victoria Street (Carlton Butchery), 2009'.
Raymond Morris's painting, '37-39 Latimer Square'
Raymond Morris's painting, '37-39 Latimer Square'
A digital copy of a pen and ink and watercolour painting by Raymond Morris, titled, '37-39 Latimer Square'.
Raymond Morris's painting, '751 Colombo Street'
Raymond Morris's painting, '751 Colombo Street'
A digital copy of a pen and ink and watercolour painting by Raymond Morris, titled, '751 Colombo Street'.
Raymond Morris's painting, 'Ascot TV Building, Colombo and Wordsworth Streets'
Raymond Morris's painting, 'Ascot TV Building, Colombo and Wordsworth Streets'
A digital copy of a pen and ink and watercolour painting by Raymond Morris, titled, 'Ascot TV Building, Colombo and Wordsworth Streets'.
Raymond Morris's painting, 'Bains Warehouse, 84 Lichfield Street'.
Raymond Morris's painting, 'Bains Warehouse, 84 Lichfield Street'.
A digital copy of a pen and ink and watercolour painting by Raymond Morris, titled, 'Bains Warehouse, 84 Lichfield Street'.
Raymond Morris's painting, 'Bar Beleza, 128-130 Lichfield Street'
Raymond Morris's painting, 'Bar Beleza, 128-130 Lichfield Street'
A digital copy of a pen and ink and watercolour painting by Raymond Morris, titled, 'Bar Beleza, 128-130 Lichfield Street'.
Raymond Morris's painting, 'Barrows Buildings, Papanui Road, Merivale'
Raymond Morris's painting, 'Barrows Buildings, Papanui Road, Merivale'
A digital copy of a pen and ink and watercolour painting by Raymond Morris, titled, 'Barrows Buildings, Papanui Road, Merivale'.
Raymond Morris's painting, 'Bell Motor Works, 110 Lichfield Street'
Raymond Morris's painting, 'Bell Motor Works, 110 Lichfield Street'
A digital copy of a pen and ink and watercolour painting by Raymond Morris, titled, 'Bell Motor Works, 110 Lichfield Street'.