Heritage New Zealand: Submissions to the Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission

Heritage New Zealand regularly makes submissions relating to heritage matters on governmental policy development, the legislative framework and on heritage of national significance. Heritage New Zealand may advocate for the conservation and protection of historic places, historic areas, wāhi tapu and wāhi tapu areas.
Research relevant to heritage and heritage management is part of Heritage New Zealand's expert advisory role. As part of this role the then New Zealand Historic Places Trust made two submissions and submitted a report to the Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission which together form this collection. The report focuses on the seismic strengthening of heritage buildings in Christchurch and the performance of these buildings in the Canterbury earthquakes and provides summary information of 100 heritage buildings.
The Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission of inquiry was established to report on the causes of building failure as a result of the earthquakes as well as the legal and best-practice requirements for buildings in New Zealand central business districts. More information about the Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission can be found here. If you would like further information on Heritage New Zealand's advocacy role please contact the Senior Heritage Policy Advisor, snrherpoladvisor@heritage.org.nz, Heritage New Zealand National Office.

Last updated
2:40pm 19th January 2022