Traffic Management Site Checks

As an alternative to formal worksite traffic management auditing, regular site checks were implemented to focus on the more significant issues on worksites. The aim was to ensure better standards of compliance with the Code of Practice for Temporary Traffic Management (CoPTTM), and also to help upskill site traffic management staff and the industry generally.
Formal audits of worksites to ensure compliance with the Code of Practice for Temporary Traffic Management were standard practice across the roading industry.
However, given the sheer number and complexity of some SCIRT worksites, it was decided to take an alternative approach to site audits and implement a programme of less formal auditing by way of regular site checks. These checks were designed to focus more on larger on-site issues and shortcomings in set-ups, and identify common trends across the SCIRT programme. The findings were shared across all five SCIRT Delivery Teams to improve compliance with CoPTTM and to allow training and support of staff engaged in traffic management to be better focused.
With site checks being more informal, the time required for auditing a site was reduced, meaning more sites could be covered. Outcomes from the site checks were recorded in a database which was shared across all Delivery Teams on a monthly basis. Delivery Teams also appreciated the checks as a less punitive approach to driving compliance across the industry.

Last updated
12:05am 2nd November 2017