Financial Management Plan
The Financial Management Plan outlines SCIRT's commercial framework, financial principles and processes for a financially effective alliance. It also describes how timely, accurate information relating to estimating and all costs have been managed and reported for each project phase in the SCIRT programme.
A suite of 31 management plans were developed under the Interim Alliance Agreement prior to the start of SCIRT, to intentionally guide the organisation. These plans were reviewed annually and updated as required.
The SCIRT Financial Management Plan provides the framework to effectively:
- Establish, implement and manage a sustainable commercial framework and financial principles for an alliance programme of projects.
- Demonstrate value for money elements within the programme.
- Deliver timely and accurate information on:
- financial commitments;
- actual cost to date;
- forecast cost to complete.
Last updated
11:13pm 1st November 2017
- Financial Management Plan
- A document that outlines how timely and accurate information relating to estimating, actual project costs, future commitments, and total forecast cost, will be managed and reported for each project phase in the programme.