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Showing 1 - 20 of 82 results.
- dc.title
- Fairfax Video, September 2011 (2)
- dc.description
- A video of an interview with relatives of Earl Nicholas and May Stick about the Coroner's Inquest into the 22 February 2011 earthquake. Nicholas and Stick lost their lives during the 22 February 2011 earthquake when the bus they were travelling in was crushed by falling masonry.
- Date
- 3:34am 2nd September 2011
- Tags
- coroner's inquest, Earl Nicholas, May Stick, bus, masonry, Media, Communications and Journalism
- dc.title
- Umut Akguzel Photograph 325
- dc.description
- A photograph of the earthquake damage to The Press building in Cathedral Square. The top storey of the building has collapsed into the storey below, some of the masonry falling onto the pavement below. Wire fencing has been placed around the building as a cordon.
- Creator(s)
- Umut Akguzel
- Date
- 1:20am 29th June 2011
- Tags
- Cathedral Square, masonry, wire fencing, Press Building, Community
- dc.title
- Umut Akguzel Photograph 093
- dc.description
- A photograph of an earthquake-damaged building on Manchester Street. The corner of the building has cracks running through the masonry.
- Creator(s)
- Umut Akguzel
- Date
- 2:29am 23rd February 2011
- Tags
- Manchester Street, masonry, Community
- dc.title
- Rebekah Rogers WEMO Photograph 072
- dc.description
- A photograph of the earthquake damage to the Registry Building on the corner of Montreal and Worcester Streets. Masonry around the gable has collapsed onto the footpath below. Steel bracing has been used to hold up the remaining masonry. Wire fencing has been placed around the building as a cordon.
- Creator(s)
- Rebekah Rogers
- Date
- 10:06pm 7th March 2011
- Tags
- Arts Centre, Registry Building, Montreal Street, Worcester Street, masonry, gable, cordon fence, road cone, Government and Politics
- dc.title
- WEMO ERT Set 3 - February 2011 - Photograph 217
- dc.description
- A photograph of earthquake damage to the Cranmer Courts on the corner of Kilmore and Montreal Streets. Masonry and other rubble is sitting on the footpath in front. Wire fencing has been placed around the building as a cordon.
- Date
- 3:25am 1st March 2011
- Tags
- Cranmer Courts, Kilmore Street, Montreal Street, masonry, rubble, cordon fence, Government and Politics
- dc.title
- Umut Akguzel Photograph 094
- dc.description
- A photograph of an earthquake-damaged building on the corner of Welles and Manchester Streets. Masonry from the top floor of the building has come away and windows have been broken.
- Creator(s)
- Umut Akguzel
- Date
- 2:29am 23rd February 2011
- Tags
- Welles Street, Manchester Streets, masonry, Community
- dc.title
- Kim Wright WEMO Photograph 017
- dc.description
- A photograph of the earthquake damage to the Cranmer Courts on the corner of Montreal and Kilmore Streets. Two chimneys have been removed from the building and placed on the footpath in front. Various pieces of fallen masonry can also be seen on the footpath. Wire fencing and road cones have been placed around the building as a cordon.
- Creator(s)
- Kim Wright
- Date
- 4:51am 13th September 2010
- Tags
- Cranmer Courts, Montreal Street, Kilmore Street, masonry, chimney, cordon fencing, road cone, Government and Politics
- dc.title
- WEMO ERT Set 1 - March 2011 - Photograph 96
- dc.description
- A photograph of the Durham Street Methodist Church on Durham Street. The church has almost completely collapsed and only a small section of the structure is still standing. Masonry and other rubble has spilled onto the footpath and street in front.
- Date
- 4:03am 13th March 2011
- Tags
- Durham Street Methodist Church, Durham Street, church, USAR, spray paint, masonry, rubble, Government and Politics
- dc.title
- Photograph by Neil Macbeth 236
- dc.description
- Martin van Beynen, a reporter for The Press newspaper, photographing damage to Wave House (Winnie Bagoes Pizza Bar). Masonry from the building has collapsed onto several parked cars.
- Creator(s)
- Neil Macbeth
- Date
- 7:22am 23rd February 2011
- Tags
- journalist, Martin van Beynen, Christchurch Press, Wave House, Winnie Bagoes Pizza Bar, masonry, car, Community
- dc.title
- Nic Johns and Mark Osborne WEMO Photograph 098
- dc.description
- A photograph of the earthquake damage to St John the Baptist Church on Hereford Street near Latimer Square. The top of the tower has crumbled, the masonry spilling onto the lawn in front.
- Creator(s)
- Mark Osborne, Nic Johns
- Date
- 5:33am 14th September 2010
- Tags
- Latimer Square, St John the Baptist Church, Hereford Street, church, masonry, Government and Politics
- dc.title
- WEMO ERT Set 3 - February 2011 - Photograph 221
- dc.description
- A photograph of the earthquake damage to the Iconic bar on the corner of Manchester and Gloucester Streets. Large sections of the outer walls have collapsed, the bricks and masonry spilling onto the footpath below, crushing several cars. USAR codes have been spray-painted near the door and a red sticker has been taped above. The red sticker indicates that the building is unsafe to enter.
- Date
- 3:59am 1st March 2011
- Tags
- Manchester Street, Gloucester Street, bricks, masonry, crushed car, USAR, spray paint, red sticker, Iconic, bar, Government and Politics
- dc.title
- WEMO ERT Set 2 - February 2011 - Photograph 16
- dc.description
- A photograph of the earthquake damage to the Fisher's Building on the corner of High and Hereford Streets. Large sections of the top storey have collapsed, the masonry spilling onto the footpath and damaging the awning.
- Date
- 3:32am 1st March 2011
- Tags
- Fisher's Building, High Street, Hereford Street, masonry, awning, Government and Politics
- dc.title
- WEMO ERT Set 3 - February 2011 - Photograph 124
- dc.description
- A photograph of a car on Gloucester Street near the intersection of Colombo Street. The car has been crushed by fallen bricks and masonry. USAR codes have been spray-painted on the side, including the word "clear".
- Date
- 12:39am 1st March 2011
- Tags
- Gloucester Street, Colombo Street, bricks, masonry, USAR, spray paint, Government and Politics
- dc.title
- Nic Johns and Mark Osborne WEMO Photograph 001
- dc.description
- A photograph of the Durham Street Methodist Church blocked off by wire fencing. The tip of the façade is damaged, and bracing holds it up from behind.
- Creator(s)
- Mark Osborne, Nic Johns
- Date
- 3:05am 13th September 2010
- Tags
- Durham Street, Durham Street Methodist Church, cordon fence, cracks, façade, masonry, bracing, Government and Politics
- dc.title
- WEMO ERT Set 1 - March 2011 - Photograph 77
- dc.description
- A photograph of the earthquake-damaged Oxford Terrace Baptist Church. Steels bracing has been used to stabilise the front of the building. Crumbled masonry and other rubble is still lying in front. Wire fences have been placed around the building site as a cordon.
- Date
- 12:34am 13th March 2011
- Tags
- Oxford Terrace Baptist Church, masonry, bracing, steel bracing, cordon fence, façade, Government and Politics
- dc.title
- Rebekah Rogers WEMO Photograph 084
- dc.description
- A photograph of the Durham Street Methodist Church which collapsed during the 22 February 2011 earthquake. All that is left is a small section of the front wall. A large pile of masonry sits in front. To the left, scaffolding indicates the height of the building before it collapsed.
- Creator(s)
- Rebekah Rogers
- Date
- 7:32am 8th March 2011
- Tags
- Durham Street Methodist Church, collapse, masonry, Durham Street, Government and Politics
- dc.title
- Nic Johns and Mark Osborne WEMO Photograph 024
- dc.description
- A photograph of the cracks in the masonry of the Durham Street Methodist Church.
- Creator(s)
- Mark Osborne, Nic Johns
- Date
- 4:15am 13th September 2010
- Tags
- Durham Street, Durham Street Methodist Church, church, masonry, crack, Government and Politics
- dc.title
- Natalie Kerschner WEMO Photograph 039
- dc.description
- A photograph of the Cranmer Centre on Armagh Street. The stone tips of two gables have been removed from the building and placed together on the lawn.
- Creator(s)
- Natalie Kerschner
- Date
- 4:55am 13th September 2010
- Tags
- Cranmer Centre, Armagh Street, gable, masonry, Government and Politics
- dc.title
- Natalie Kerschner WEMO Photograph 030
- dc.description
- A photograph of the Cranmer Courts on the corner of Kilmore and Montreal Streets. The gable to the left has crumbled, and there is damage to the tip of the gable in the foreground. Wooden bracing has been placed on both walls to limit further damage from aftershocks.
- Creator(s)
- Natalie Kerschner
- Date
- 4:46am 13th September 2010
- Tags
- Cranmer Courts, masonry, Kilmore Street, Montreal Street, gable, bracing, wooden bracing, Government and Politics
- dc.title
- Photograph by Neil Macbeth 095
- dc.description
- The damaged Cranmer Courts on the corner of Kilmore and Montreal Streets. The corner of the building has crumbled onto the street, which is now littered with broken masonry. Wire fencing placed around the building after the 4 September 2010 earthquake has managed to keep the debris away from the road.
- Creator(s)
- Neil Macbeth
- Date
- 3:33am 23rd February 2011
- Tags
- Cranmer Centre, Armagh Street, Montreal Street, masonry, wire fencing, road cones, Community