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- dc.title
- Natalie Kerschner WEMO Photograph 117
- dc.description
- A photograph of a sign from the Christchurch City Council, ECan and the Canterbury District Health Board warning people over the contamination in the rivers after the September earthquake. The sign reads, "Warning, contaminated water. Due to sewage overflows this water is unsafe for human contact and activity and is a Public Health Risk. Please keep all people and pets out of contact with the water and do not consume any seafood or shellfish collected from this area". In the background, workers from Treetech clean up wood and leaves from felled trees.
- Creator(s)
- Natalie Kerschner
- Date
- 4:55am 15th September 2010
- Tags
- Christchurch City Council, sign, ECan, Environment Canterbury, Canterbury District Health Board, contaminated water, sewage, Treetech, tree, Avon River, Government and Politics
- dc.title
- People in Disasters Conference - Land Use Recovery Plan: How an impact assessment process engaged communities in recovery planning
- dc.description
A video of a presentation by Jane Murray and Stephen Timms during the Social Recovery Stream of the 2016 People in Disasters Conference. The presentation is titled, "Land Use Recovery Plan: How an impact assessment process engaged communities in recovery planning".
The abstract for this presentation reads as follows:
In response to the Canterbury earthquakes, the Minister for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery directed Environment Canterbury (Canterbury's regional council) to prepare a Land Use Recovery Plan that would provide a spatial planning framework for Greater Christchurch and aid recovery from the Canterbury earthquakes. The Land Use Recovery Plan sets a policy and planning framework necessary to rebuild existing communities and develop new communities. As part of preparing the plan, an integrated assessment was undertaken to address wellbeing and sustainability concerns. This ensured that social impacts of the plan were likely to achieve better outcomes for communities. The process enabled a wide range of community and sector stakeholders to provide input at the very early stages of drafting the document. The integrated assessment considered the treatment of major land use issues in the plan, e.g. overall distribution of activities across the city, integrated transport routes, housing typography, social housing, employment and urban design, all of which have a key impact on health and wellbeing. Representatives from the Canterbury Health in All Policies Partnership were involved in designing a three-part assessment process that would provide a framework for the Land Use Recovery Plan writers to assess and improve the plan in terms of wellbeing and sustainability concerns. The detail of these assessment stages, and the influence that they had on the draft plan, will be outlined in the presentation. In summary, the three stages involved: developing key wellbeing and sustainability concerns that could form a set of criteria, analysing the preliminary draft of the Land Use Recovery Plan against the criteria in a broad sector workshop, and analysing the content and recommendations of the Draft Plan. This demonstrates the importance of integrated assessment influencing the Land Use Recovery Plan that in turn influences other key planning documents such as the District Plan. This process enabled a very complex document with wide-ranging implications to be broken down, enabling many groups, individuals and organisations to have their say in the recovery process. There is also a range of important lessons for recovery that can be applied to other projects and actions in a disaster recovery situation.
- Creator(s)
- Jane Murray, Stephen Timms,
- Date
- 12:23am 26th February 2016
- Tags
- People in Disasters, conference, Jane Murray, Stephen Timms, Miria Goodwin, Environment Canterbury, ECan, resilience, planning, strategy, collaboration, Recovery Stream, Health and Wellbeing
- dc.title
- Fairfax Video, November 2010 (2)
- dc.description
- A video of an interview with Wayne Holton-Jeffreys, Public Transport Manager at Enivonment Canterbury, about the bus shortage in Christchurch after the 4 September 2010 earthquake.
- Creator(s)
- Paul Gorman, Daniel Tobin
- Date
- 1:09pm 18th November 2010
- Tags
- bus, ECan, Environment Canterbury, Wayne Holton-Jeffreys, public transport, Media, Communications and Journalism
- dc.title
- Terry Binding WEMO Photograph 18
- dc.description
- A photograph of a warning sign placed next to a river in Christchurch. The sign reads, "Warning contaminated water. Due to sewage overflows this water is unsafe to human contact and activity and a public health risk. Please keep all people and pets out of contact with the water and do not consume any seafood or shellfish collected from this area".
- Creator(s)
- Terry Binding
- Tags
- sign, Christchurch City Council, Environment Canterbury, Canterbury District Health Board, wastewater, river, contaminated water, Government and Politics
- dc.title
- Christchurch: The Transitional City Pt IV, pages 46-47: Central Station: Temporary Bus Exchange
- dc.description
A PDF copy of pages 46-47 of the book Christchurch: The Transitional City Pt IV. The pages document the transitional project 'Central Station: Temporary Bus Exchange'.
Photo: Tim Church. With permission: Christchurch City Council.
- Creator(s)
- Tim Church, Christchurch City Council
- Date
- 9:48am 6th July 2013
- Tags
- transitional, Christchurch City Council, Environment Canterbury, transport, bus, Lichfield Street, Tuam Street, Christchurch Central, Arts, Culture and Society
- dc.title
- Christchurch: The Transitional City Pt IV, pages 48-49: Reconstruction: Conversations on a City
- dc.description
A PDF copy of pages 48-49 of the book Christchurch: The Transitional City Pt IV. The pages document the transitional project 'Reconstruction: Conversations on a City'.
Photo: Tim Church. With permission: Christchurch City Council.
- Creator(s)
- Tim Church, Christchurch City Council
- Date
- 9:48am 6th July 2013
- Tags
- transitional, Christchurch City Council, Christchurch Art Gallery, Environment Canterbury, Worcester Street, Christchurch Central, art, Arts, Culture and Society