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Showing 1 - 20 of 92,508 results.
- dc.title
- Well-grounded solution to soggy sites
- dc.description
- A document which describes best practice for dewatering guidelines.
- Creator(s)
- Martine Cusack
- Date
- 12:00pm 27th April 2017
- Tags
- dewatering, soil, excavation, seepage, artesian
- dc.title
- SCIRT work holds back the tides
- dc.description
- A document which describes how the new Beachville Road seawall was built.
- Creator(s)
- Marta Steeman
- Date
- 12:00pm 21st April 2017
- Tags
- seawall, riprap, construction, revetment, Reno mattress
- dc.title
- Setting national standards for utilities coordination and protection - SCIRT leads the way
- dc.description
- A document which describes how SCIRT led the co-ordination of its huge repair programme with those of other utilities.
- Creator(s)
- Marta Steeman
- Date
- 12:00pm 20th April 2017
- Tags
- utility, strike, coordination, service, safety
- dc.title
- Peak performance coaching at SCIRT
- dc.description
- A document which outlines SCIRT's use of peak performance coaches.
- Creator(s)
- Belinda de Zwart
- Date
- 12:00pm 20th April 2017
- Tags
- coaching, coach, peak performance, culture, human resources
- dc.title
- Protecting the past - Restoring heritage bridges
- dc.description
- A document which describes the processes that SCIRT took when repairing some of Christchurch's heritage bridges.
- Creator(s)
- Marta Steeman
- Date
- 12:00pm 18th April 2017
- Tags
- heritage, bridge, repair, engineering, collaboration
- dc.title
- Early involvement builds successful framework
- dc.description
- A document which discusses the importance of the ECI process at SCIRT.
- Creator(s)
- Martine Cusack
- Date
- 12:00pm 11th April 2017
- Tags
- early constructor involvement, constructability, design, risk
- dc.title
- Engineering collaboration with Red Cross
- dc.description
- A document which outlines how SCIRT and the New Zealand Red Cross worked together to aid the recovery of Christchurch.
- Creator(s)
- Martine Cusack
- Date
- 12:00pm 10th April 2017
- Tags
- Red Cross, collaboration, recovery, community, humanitarian
- dc.title
- Tic TOC: Time is money for SCIRT estimates
- dc.description
- A document which describes the SCIRT estimates process and outcomes.
- Creator(s)
- Haidee Scott
- Date
- 12:00pm 6th April 2017
- Tags
- estimate, estimator, TOC, infrastructure, Morrison Low
- dc.title
- All Right? Research and Evaluation: The All Right? Impact
- dc.description
- A PDF copy of an evaluation document highlighting quantitative findings about how the All Right? social marketing campaign has helped Cantabrians. The report was created by All Right? in April 2017.
- Date
- 12:00pm 3rd April 2017
- Tags
- All Right?, mental health, wellbeing, evaluation, impact, social marketing, recovery, Health and Wellbeing
- dc.title
- All Right? Newsletter: School holiday fun - can it be done?
- dc.description
- A PDF copy of a newsletter sent by All Right? to their mailing list in April 2017.
- Date
- 12:00pm 3rd April 2017
- Tags
- All Right?, mental health, wellbeing, newsletter, Health and Wellbeing
- dc.title
- What is SCIRT?
- dc.description
- An article that explains the innovative work of SCIRT in a post-disaster environment.
- Creator(s)
- Rod Cameron
- Date
- 1:00pm 1st April 2017
- Tags
- rebuild, challenge, initiative, construction, infrastructure
- dc.title
- The governance of SCIRT - the exercise of control
- dc.description
- A document which describes how SCIRT's governance structure was set up and developed in response to the many challenges of the horizontal infrastructure rebuild.
- Creator(s)
- Marta Steeman
- Date
- 1:00pm 1st April 2017
- Tags
- governance, power, decision-making, HIGG, scope
- dc.title
- Civil Contractors' Environmental Guide
- dc.description
- A document which provides simple, easy to understand environmental advice and guidance for civil construction contractors.
- Creator(s)
- Date
- 1:00pm 1st April 2017
- Tags
- environment, guide, control, best practice, regulation
- dc.title
- Considerable benefits of pipe lining
- dc.description
- A document which describes SCIRT's experience with the trenchless technology of pipe lining.
- Creator(s)
- Marta Steeman
- Date
- 1:00pm 28th March 2017
- Tags
- trenchless, pipe lining, spiral wound, cured-in-place, pipe
- dc.title
- SCIRT safety on a page
- dc.description
- A document which illustrates the impetus for SCIRT's zero harm programme, the parties involved, initiatives undertaken and outcomes achieved.
- Creator(s)
- Abigail Walsh
- Date
- 1:00pm 22nd March 2017
- Tags
- safety, health, zero harm, protection, well-being
- dc.title
- SCIRT's awards roll call
- dc.description
- A document which lists the awards won by SCIRT.
- Creator(s)
- Marta Steeman
- Date
- 4:34pm 17th March 2017
- Tags
- award, achievement, Brunel, champion, heritage
- dc.title
- Catalyst for life-saving change in safety
- dc.description
- A document which describes SCIRT's approach to ensuring zero harm during its five and a half year programme of work.
- Creator(s)
- Martine Cusack
- Date
- 1:00pm 17th March 2017
- Tags
- safety, health, zero harm, protection, well-being
- dc.title
- Project prioritisation - right thing, right time, right place
- dc.description
- A document which outlines how SCIRT prioritised the 634 construction projects within its programme of work.
- Creator(s)
- Abigail Walsh
- Date
- 1:00pm 16th March 2017
- Tags
- project, prioritisation, scope, analysis, asset
- dc.title
- Innovative commercial model delivers value for money
- dc.description
- A document which describes development and success of the SCIRT commercial model.
- Creator(s)
- Martine Cusack
- Date
- 1:00pm 15th March 2017
- Tags
- commercial, target out-turn cost, budget, construction, model
- dc.title
- Rebuild actual start date map
- dc.description
- A map showing the actual construction start dates.
- Creator(s)
- Abigail Walsh
- Date
- 1:00pm 15th March 2017
- Tags
- project, prioritisation, scope, analysis, asset