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- dc.title
- Supernova City Photograph 2013:10:27 11:24:17
- dc.description
- A photograph of people drawing at a table at the Pallet Pavilion during Supernova City, a drawing workshop led by Melbourne-based New Zealand artist and architect Byron Kinnaird. This event was part of FESTA 2013, and invited people to make new, imaginative drawings of Christchurch city.
- Creator(s)
- Erica Austin
- Date
- 12:24am 28th October 2013
- Tags
- Pallet Pavilion, drawing, workshop, imagination, vision, FESTA
- dc.title
- Canterbury Tales Photograph 2013:10:27 22:31:39
- dc.description
- A photograph of two performers in front of a large-scale puppet titled The Wife of Bath. The performers are in the Canterbury Tales procession. Canterbury Tales was created by Free Theatre Christchurch, and was the main event of FESTA 2013.
- Creator(s)
- Jonny Knopp
- Date
- 11:31am 28th October 2013
- Tags
- FESTA, Canterbury Tales, Free Theatre Christchurch, puppet, performer
- dc.title
- Photograph of In Your Face 2012:10:20 20:23:27
- dc.description
- A photograph of a model posing inside an inflated, transparent ball as part of the In Your Face installation at LUXCITY.
- Creator(s)
- Mark Gore
- Date
- 9:23am 21st October 2012
- Tags
- Colombo Street, In Your Face, LUXCITY, FESTA, Festival of Transitional Architecture, art, sculpture, installation, architecture, temporary, light, model
- dc.title
- Photograph of Kloud 2012:10:20 20:25:46
- dc.description
- A photograph of the installation titled Kloud, which is part of LUXCITY.
- Creator(s)
- Erica Austin
- Date
- 9:25am 21st October 2012
- Tags
- Kloud, LUXCITY, FESTA, Festival of Transitional Architecture, art, sculpture, installation, architecture, temporary, light
- dc.title
- Photograph of Pavilions & Lighting Devices 2012:10:20 18:13:22
- dc.description
- A photograph of people looking at a sculpture under construction for the Pavilions & Lighting Devices night market, which is part of LUXCITY.
- Creator(s)
- Mark Gore
- Date
- 7:13am 21st October 2012
- Tags
- Manchester Street, LUXCITY, FESTA, Festival of Transitional Architecture, art, sculpture, installation, architecture, temporary, market, light
- dc.title
- Canterbury Tales Photograph 2013:10:20 19:42:58
- dc.description
- A photograph of the head of one of the large-scale puppets titled The Friars. The puppet is in the Free Theatre warehouse space on Lismore Street.
- Creator(s)
- Bridgit Anderson
- Date
- 8:42am 21st October 2013
- Tags
- FESTA, Free Theatre Christchurch, puppet, Canterbury Tales, temporary
- dc.title
- Canterbury Tales Photograph 2013:10:26 (32)
- dc.description
- A photograph of people in Cathedral Square on the night of Canterbury Tales, during FESTA 2013. A smoke machine and theatre lights are being used to set the scene.
- Creator(s)
- Jonny Knopp
- Date
- 1:00pm 26th October 2013
- Tags
- FESTA, Free Theatre Christchurch, Canterbury Tales, crowd, Cathedral Square, light, smoke
- dc.title
- Canterbury Tales Photograph 2013:10:27 22:14:28
- dc.description
- A photograph of a large-scale puppet titled The Knight. The puppet is in Cathedral Square, during the Canterbury Tales procession. Canterbury Tales was created by Free Theatre Christchurch, and was the main event of FESTA 2013.
- Creator(s)
- Jonny Knopp
- Date
- 11:14am 28th October 2013
- Tags
- FESTA, Canterbury Tales, Free Theatre Christchurch, puppet
- dc.title
- Canterbury Tales Photograph 2013:10:27 22:29:49
- dc.description
- A photograph of the large-scale puppet titled Wife of Bath. The puppet is in the Canterbury Tales procession. Canterbury Tales was created by Free Theatre Christchurch, and was the main event of FESTA 2013.
- Creator(s)
- Bridgit Anderson
- Date
- 11:29am 28th October 2013
- Tags
- FESTA, Canterbury Tales, Free Theatre Christchurch, puppet
- dc.title
- Go Ahead Make Your Space Photograph 2013:10:28 09:14:01
- dc.description
- A photograph of a WikiHouse building being assembled in the CPSA building at CPIT. The demonstration and hands-on workshop, titled Go Ahead... Make Your Space, was part of FESTA 2013.
- Creator(s)
- Erica Austin
- Date
- 10:14pm 28th October 2013
- Tags
- WikiHouse, Space Craft, CPIT, building, architecture, workshop, FESTA
- dc.title
- Angel of History Photograph 2013:10:26 18:13:31
- dc.description
A photograph of a performer suspended in the air by a harness during a rehearsal for a performance titled Angel of History.
The performance was part of Canterbury Tales - a carnivalesque procession which was the main event of FESTA 2013.
- Creator(s)
- Bridgit Anderson
- Date
- 7:13am 27th October 2013
- Tags
- FESTA, Free Theatre Christchurch, performer, harness, Angel of History, Canterbury Tales
- dc.title
- Illuminate Photograph 2013:10:26 (12)
- dc.description
A close-up photograph of a sculpture titled Illuminate, on a vacant site on Worcester Street.
The sculpture was created by students from Unitec's Architecture department for Canterbury Tales - a carnivalesque procession which was the main event of FESTA 2013.
- Creator(s)
- Jonny Knopp
- Date
- 1:00pm 26th October 2013
- Tags
- sculpture, temporary, installation, Unitec, architecture, Canterbury Tales, FESTA
- dc.title
- Photograph of Altitude 2012:10:20 22:40:15
- dc.description
- A photograph of a large-scale sculpture titled Altitude at LUXCITY.
- Creator(s)
- Bridgit Anderson
- Date
- 11:40am 21st October 2012
- Tags
- Gloucester Street, Manchester Street, Altitude, LUXCITY, FESTA, Festival of Transitional Architecture, art, sculpture, installation, architecture, temporary, light
- dc.title
- Photograph of Halo 2012:10:20 16:47:53
- dc.description
- A photograph of an architecture student making adjustments to the installation titled Halo at LUXCITY.
- Creator(s)
- Mark Gore
- Date
- 5:47am 21st October 2012
- Tags
- Gloucester Street, Halo, LUXCITY, FESTA, Festival of Transitional Architecture, art, sculpture, installation, architecture, temporary, light
- dc.title
- CityUps Photograph 2014:10:25 19:40:51
- dc.description
- A photograph of table tennis games at CityUps. CityUps was a 'city of the future for one night only', and the main event of FESTA 2014.
- Creator(s)
- Vanessa Rushton
- Date
- 8:40am 26th October 2014
- Tags
- CityUps, future, temporary, street games, table tennis, FESTA, Arts, Culture and Society
- dc.title
- Canterbury Tales Symposium Photograph 2013:10:27 14:51:43
- dc.description
- A photograph of Jessica Halliday from FESTA (in the red top) embracing another woman at the Canterbury Tales symposium, which was part of FESTA 2013.
- Creator(s)
- Erica Austin
- Date
- 3:51am 28th October 2013
- Tags
- Canterbury Tales, symposium, Black Betty cafe, FESTA
- dc.title
- Go Ahead Make Your Space Photograph 2013:10:28 09:13:28
- dc.description
- A photograph of a model of a WikiHouse building on display in the CPSA building at CPIT. A demonstration and hands-on building workshop, titled Go Ahead... Make Your Space, was held at CPIT as part of FESTA 2013.
- Creator(s)
- Erica Austin
- Date
- 10:13pm 28th October 2013
- Tags
- WikiHouse, Space Craft, CPIT, building, architecture, workshop, FESTA
- dc.title
- Canterbury Tales Photograph 2013:10:26 21:54:57
- dc.description
- A photograph of Canterbury Tales spectators on Worcester Boulevard. One of the spectators is wearing a horse head mask. Canterbury Tales was created by Free Theatre Christchurch, and was the main event of FESTA 2013.
- Creator(s)
- Bridgit Anderson
- Date
- 10:54am 27th October 2013
- Tags
- FESTA, Canterbury Tales, Free Theatre Christchurch, horse, mask
- dc.title
- Canterbury Tales Photograph 2013:10:27 18:50:38
- dc.description
- A photograph of a performer in costume at a market in Cathedral Square. The market is part of Canterbury Tales - a carnivalesque procession and the main event of FESTA 2013.
- Creator(s)
- Erica Austin
- Date
- 7:50am 28th October 2013
- Tags
- installation, temporary, market, performance, Canterbury Tales, FESTA, Cathedral Square
- dc.title
- Chambers Silencio Ensemble Photograph 44
- dc.description
- A panoramic photograph of 'Silencio Ensemble', an outdoor acoustic performance using tubular bells and road cones. The event was part of FESTA 2012.
- Creator(s)
- Pascal Waldburger
- Date
- 8:24am 29th October 2012
- Tags
- music, performance, acoustic, Chambers, road cone, sound, art, FESTA