An image designed for use as a downloadable screensaver. The image depicts two 'All Righties' carrying a couch together. The image reads, "Shown a mate you care lately? Often the little things mean the most to our family and friends".
An image designed for use as a downloadable screensaver. The image depicts two 'All Righties' knitting on a couch. The image reads, "When did you last share your hidden talents? Everyone wins when we pass on our skills and passions".
An image designed for use as a downloadable screensaver. The image depicts two 'All Righties' harvesting a pumpkin and carrots. The image reads, "What good things are you growing? Wonderful things happen when you put in a little bit of time".
An image designed for use as a downloadable screensaver. The image depicts a family of 'All Righties' sharing some kai. The image reads, "When did you last share kai with the whānau? Good food tastes even better with the ones we love".