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Showing 141 - 160 of 178 results.
- dc.title
- QuakeStory 88
- dc.description
- A story submitted by Bettina to the QuakeStories website.
- Creator(s)
- Bettina
- Tags
- community, community organisations, community resilience, territorial army, disaster response, volunteerism, media, psychological impact, psychological trauma, earthquake trauma, property loss, infrastructure damage, infrastructure, building damage, earthquake behaviour, personal narrative, disaster narrative, aftermath, cultural impact, quakecore, business impact
- dc.title
- QuakeStory 235
- dc.description
- A story submitted by Georgia to the QuakeStories website.
- Creator(s)
- Georgia
- Tags
- infrastructure damage, infrastructure, community, aftermath, occupational impact, occupational stress, injury, disaster response, relocation, volunteerism, media, building damage, personal narrative, disaster narrative, community organisations, quakecore
- dc.title
- QuakeStory 372
- dc.description
- A story submitted by Sue-Ellen Sandilands to the QuakeStories website.
- Creator(s)
- Sue-Ellen Sandilands
- Tags
- quakecore, community, community organisations, volunteerism, psychological impact, earthquake behaviour, personal narrative, disaster narrative
- dc.title
- QuakeStory 332
- dc.description
- A story submitted by Paul Murray to the QuakeStories website.
- Creator(s)
- Paul Murray
- Tags
- volunteerism, earthquake behaviour, community organisations, community, community recovery, disaster response, personal narrative, disaster narrative, quakecore, preparedeness
- dc.title
- QuakeStory 364
- dc.description
- A story submitted by Margaret Jefferies to the QuakeStories website.
- Creator(s)
- Margaret Jefferies
- Tags
- quakecore, earthquake behaviour, community, volunteerism, cultural impact, personal narrative, disaster narrative
- dc.title
- QuakeStory 477
- dc.description
- A story submitted by Pete Hayward to the QuakeStories website.
- Creator(s)
- Pete Hayward
- Tags
- quakecore, communication, volunteerism, infrastructure damage, infrastructure, animals, occupational impact, personal narrative, disaster narrative
- dc.title
- QuakeStory 699
- dc.description
- A story submitted by LC to the QuakeStories website.
- Creator(s)
- LC
- Tags
- community, EQC, insurance, property valuation, property loss, death, building damage, infrastructure, infrastructure damage, building damage, communication, economic effect, economic stress, community organisations, personal narrative, disaster narrative, red zone, quakecore, volunteerism, government response, volunteerism
- dc.title
- QuakeStory 702
- dc.description
- A story submitted by Joan Curry to the QuakeStories website.
- Creator(s)
- Joan Curry
- Tags
- earthquake behaviour, community, community organisations, cultural impact, cultural response, animals, volunteerism, infrastructure, infrastructure damage, building damage, relocation, media, communication, disaster response, disaster management, civil defence, personal narrative, disaster narrative, quakecore, cultural heritage, aftermath, territorial army
- dc.title
- QuakeStory 698
- dc.description
- A story submitted by David Chilvers to the QuakeStories website.
- Creator(s)
- David Chilvers
- Tags
- quakecore, aftermath, disaster response, community organisations, community, volunteerism, occupational impact, personal narrative, disaster narrative, building damage, infrastructure, infrastructure damage
- dc.title
- QuakeStory 396
- dc.description
- A story submitted by Christine Wilson to the QuakeStories website.
- Creator(s)
- Christine Wilson
- Tags
- quakecore, community, community organisations, restoration, resilience, recovery, psychological impact, volunteerism, personal narrative, disaster narrative, media
- dc.title
- Transcript of Diana Lappage's earthquake story
- dc.description
- Transcript of Diana Lappage's earthquake story, captured by the UC QuakeBox project.
- Creator(s)
- Mike Peek
- Date
- 1:00pm 4th December 2012
- Tags
- quakecore, community, volunteerism, earthquake behaviour, disability, psychological impact, health hazard, animals, relocation, injury, triage care, earthquake behaviour, infrastructure damage, infrastructure, building damage, personal narrative, disaster narrative
- dc.title
- QuakeStory 514
- dc.description
- A story submitted by Julie Lee to the QuakeStories website.
- Creator(s)
- Julie Lee
- Tags
- aftermath, volunteerism, community organisations, community, civil defence, earthquake behaviour, media, disaster response, infrastructure, infrastructure damage, building damage, personal narrative, disaster narrative, quakecore, psychological impact
- dc.title
- QuakeStory 515
- dc.description
- A story submitted by Mark Buckley to the QuakeStories website.
- Creator(s)
- Mark Buckley
- Tags
- volunteerism, aftermath, infrastructure damage, infrastructure, building damage, community, community organisations, occupational impact, personal narrative, disaster narrative, quakecore, civil defence, disaster narrative, occupational stress, disaster management, frontline workers, organisational impact
- dc.title
- Transcript of Lois Mathie's earthquake story
- dc.description
A pdf transcript of Lois Mathie's second earthquake story, captured by the UC QuakeBox Take 2 project.
Interviewer: Samuel Hope. Transcriber: Natalie Looyer.
- Creator(s)
- Samuel Hope, Natalie Looyer
- Tags
- cultural history, cultural heritage, infrastructure, infrastructure damage, building damage, preparedness, earthquake behaviour, aftermath, personal narrative, insurance, disaster narrative, post disaster memory, memory retention, retelling, quakecore, community, volunteerism
- dc.title
- QuakeStory 389
- dc.description
- A story submitted by Sarah van der Burch to the QuakeStories website.
- Creator(s)
- Sarah van der Burch
- Tags
- geology, geography, aftermath, tourism, psychological impact, volunteerism, infrastructure damage, infrastructure, building damage, personal narrative, disaster narrative, quakecore, community
- dc.title
- QuakeStory 475
- dc.description
- A story submitted by Stephen Mateer to the QuakeStories website.
- Creator(s)
- Stephen Mateer
- Tags
- quakecore, infrastructure damage, infrastructure, building damage, cultural heritage, cultural history, cultural impact, community, community resilience, community recovery, restoration, recovery, volunteerism, personal narrative, disaster narrative
- dc.title
- QuakeStory 471
- dc.description
- A story submitted by John Cleaver to the QuakeStories website.
- Creator(s)
- John Cleaver
- Tags
- earthquake behaviour, aftermath, community organisations, personal narrative, disaster narrative, quakecore, community, volunteerism
- dc.title
- QuakeStory 695
- dc.description
- A story submitted by Sarah to the QuakeStories website.
- Creator(s)
- Sarah
- Tags
- quakecore, community organisations, aftermath, community, community resilience, volunteerism, community recovery, personal narrative, disaster narrative, infrastructure, infrastructure damage
- dc.title
- QuakeStory 675
- dc.description
- A story submitted by Sue Hamer to the QuakeStories website.
- Creator(s)
- Sue Hamer
- Tags
- infrastructure, personal narrative, business impact, business loss, architecture, psychological impact, community, psychological trauma, earthquake trauma, aftermath, occupational impact, building damage, restoration, communication, occupational resilience, disaster response, disaster management, restoration, death, EQC, property loss, quakecore, frontline workers, USAR, urban search and rescue, government response, cultural impact, red zone, community organisations, cultural history, insurance, organisational impact, infrastructure damage, cultural heritage, volunteerism, disaster technology, disaster narrative, earthquake behaviour
- dc.title
- QuakeStory 680
- dc.description
- A story submitted by Ginny Larsen to the QuakeStories website.
- Creator(s)
- Ginny Larsen
- Tags
- quakecore, community, community resilience, community recovery, community organisations, infrastructure damage, infrastructure, personal narrative, disaster narrative, volunteerism, media