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- dc.title
- Transcript of Mutu's earthquake story
- dc.description
A pdf transcript of Mutu's second earthquake story, captured by the UC QuakeBox Take 2 project.
Interviewer: Lucy Denham. Transcriber: Maggie Blackwood.
- Creator(s)
- Lucy Denham, Maggie Blackwood
- Tags
- infrastructure damage, psychological trauma, earthquake trauma, psychological impact, cultural impact, community, earthquake behaviour, volunteerism, community organisations, personal narrative, disaster narrative, memory retention, post disaster memory, retelling, quakecore, CERA, government response, insurance, infrastructure, infrastructure damage, building damage
- dc.title
- Transcript of Rosie Belton's earthquake story
- dc.description
A pdf transcript of Rosie Belton's second earthquake story, captured by the UC QuakeBox Take 2 project.
Interviewer: Laura Moir. Transcriber: Josie Hepburn.
- Creator(s)
- Laura Moir, Josie Hepburn
- Tags
- psychological trauma, earthquake trauma, psychological recovery, community, earthquake behaviour, homlessness, aftermath, frontline workers, government response, infrastructure damage, building damage, infrastructure, familial distress, business impact, business loss, occupational impact, property loss, cultural impact, earthquake art, psychological recovery, personal narrative, post disaster memory, memory retention, retelling, quakecore, geology, seismology, psychological impact, preparedness, disaster response, disaster management
- dc.title
- Transcript of Gordon Richards's earthquake story
- dc.description
- Transcript of Gordon Richards's earthquake story, captured by the UC QuakeBox project.
- Creator(s)
- Andrew MacFarlane
- Date
- 1:00pm 3rd December 2012
- Tags
- quakecore, infrastructure damage, infrastructure, building damage, EQC, insurance, government response, personal narrative, disaster narrative
- dc.title
- QuakeStory 85
- dc.description
- A story submitted by Lynne Stewart to the QuakeStories website.
- Creator(s)
- Lynne Stewart
- Tags
- quakecore, infrastructure, infrastructure damage, building damage, red zone, community, community resilience, government response, community organisations, personal narrative, disaster narrative
- dc.title
- QuakeStory 699
- dc.description
- A story submitted by LC to the QuakeStories website.
- Creator(s)
- LC
- Tags
- community, EQC, insurance, property valuation, property loss, death, building damage, infrastructure, infrastructure damage, building damage, communication, economic effect, economic stress, community organisations, personal narrative, disaster narrative, red zone, quakecore, volunteerism, government response, volunteerism
- dc.title
- Transcript of Audrey Baldwin's earthquake story
- dc.description
A pdf transcript of Audrey Baldwin's second earthquake story, captured by the UC QuakeBox Take 2 project.
Interviewer: Laura Moir. Transcriber: Lauren Millar.
- Creator(s)
- Laura Moir, Lauren Millar
- Tags
- quakecore, death, psychological impact, psychological trauma, earthquake trauma, earthquake art, aftermath, occupational resilience, business resilience, earthquake art, business impact, building damage, cultural response, cultural impact, community, earthquake behaviour, psychological recovery, infrastructure, infrastructure damage, communication, government response, post disaster memory, memory retention
- dc.title
- Transcript of Ann's earthquake story
- dc.description
A pdf transcript of Ann's second earthquake story, captured by the UC QuakeBox Take 2 project.
Interviewer: Samuel Hope. Transcriber: Josie Hepburn.
- Creator(s)
- Samuel Hope, Josie Hepburn
- Tags
- architecture, cultural heritage, cultural history, government response, restoration, cultural impact, earthquake art, animals, community, community resilience, community recovery, earthquake behaviour, infrastructure, infrastructure damage, building damage, property loss, aftermath, memory retention, post disaster memory, government response, occupational impact, occupational resilience, quakecore, community organisations, territorial army
- dc.title
- Transcript of Leslie Griffiths's earthquake story
- dc.description
A pdf transcript of Leslie Griffiths's second earthquake story, captured by the UC QuakeBox Take 2 project.
Interviewer: Samuel Hope. Transcriber: Laura Moir.
- Creator(s)
- Samuel Hope, Laura Moir
- Tags
- quakecore, community, EQC, insurance, government response, building damage, infrastructure damage, infrastructure, economic stress, economic effect, post disaster memory, memory retention, retelling, personal narrative, disaster narrative
- dc.title
- Transcript of Participant number LY967's earthquake story
- dc.description
A pdf transcript of Participant number LY967's second earthquake story, captured by the UC QuakeBox Take 2 project.
Interviewer: Samuel Hope. Transcriber: Maggie Blackwood.
- Creator(s)
- Samuel Hope, Maggie Blackwood
- Tags
- infrastructure damage, infrastructure, building damage, organisational impact, government response, community, community organisations, earthquake art, EQC, insurance, property loss, relocation, restoration, cultural impact, personal narrative, disaster narrative, post disaster memory, memory retention, retelling, quakecore, transport, sustaianbility, environmental sustainability
- dc.title
- Transcript of Participant number LY677's earthquake story
- dc.description
A pdf transcript of Participant number LY677's second earthquake story, captured by the UC QuakeBox Take 2 project.
Interviewer: Samuel Hope. Transcriber: Josie Hepburn.
- Creator(s)
- Samuel Hope, Josie Hepburn
- Tags
- infrastructure damage, infrastructure, geology, seismology, building damage, community, preparedness, earthquake safety, communication, media, government response, post disaster memory, memory retention, retelling, animals, quakecore, earthquake behaviour, aftermath
- dc.title
- Transcript of Vic Bartley's earthquake story
- dc.description
A pdf transcript of Vic Bartley's second earthquake story, captured by the UC QuakeBox Take 2 project.
Interviewer: Samuel Hope. Transcriber: Sarah Woodfield.
- Creator(s)
- Samuel Hope, Sarah Woodfield
- Tags
- infrastructure, building damage, community, relocation, animals, property valuation, property loss, EQC, government response, media, earthquake behaviour, community resilience, community recovery, earthquake safety, cultural impact, personal narrative, disaster narrative, post disaster memory, memory retention, retelling, quakecore, organisational impact, community organisations, infrastructure damage, aftermath
- dc.title
- QuakeStory 99
- dc.description
- A story submitted by Lynette Evans to the QuakeStories website.
- Creator(s)
- Lynette Evans
- Tags
- quakecore, aftermath, psychological impact, psychological trauma, earthquake trauma, personal narrative, disaster narrative, relocation, media, psychological recovery, cultural impact, infrastructure damage, infrastructure, building damage, preparedness, disaster response, disaster management, government response, EQC, insurance, territorial army, earthquake behaviour, cultural history, recovery, restoration, death
- dc.title
- QuakeStory 224
- dc.description
- A story submitted by Rosie Belton to the QuakeStories website.
- Creator(s)
- Rosie Belton
- Tags
- quakecore, red zone, infrastructure, infrastructure damage, property loss, community, EQC, insurance, government response, personal narrative, disaster narrative, property valuation, media, disaster management
- dc.title
- QuakeStory 616
- dc.description
- A story submitted by Jo Nicholls-Parker and Petra Van Asten to the QuakeStories website.
- Creator(s)
- Petra Van Asten, Jo Nicholls-Parker
- Tags
- quakecore, government response, disaster response, disaster management, media, restoration, aftermath, death, recovery, earthquake behaviour, earthquake safety, building damage, infrastructure damage, infrastructure, community, community resilience, community recovery, property loss, territorial army, civil defence, EQC, CERA, cultural impact, cultural resilience, cultural history, death, injury, frontline workers, insurance, psychological impact, property loss, risk evaluation, risk communication, red zone
- dc.title
- Transcript of Drucilla Kingi-Patterson's earthquake story
- dc.description
A pdf transcript of Drucilla Kingi-Patterson's second earthquake story, captured by the UC QuakeBox Take 2 project.
Interviewer: Lucy Denham. Transcriber: Lucy Denham.
- Creator(s)
- Lucy Denham
- Tags
- quakecore, indigenous narrative, restoration, sustainability, indigenous knowledge, death, infrastructure damage, building damage, infrastructure, environmental sustainability, recovery, earthquake recovery, earthquake sustainability, cultural impact, community, memory retention, post disaster memory, retelling, government response, personal narrative, disaster narrative
- dc.title
- Transcript of Rae Hughes's earthquake story
- dc.description
A pdf transcript of Rae Hughes's second earthquake story, captured by the UC QuakeBox Take 2 project.
Interviewer: Samuel Hope. Transcriber: Lauren Millar.
- Creator(s)
- Samuel Hope, Lauren Millar
- Tags
- infrastructure, building damage, unemployment, job insecurity, psychological impact, psychological trauma, earthquake trauma, psychological recovery, death, occupational impact, insurance, EQC, earthquake behaviour, death, government response, restoration, personal narrative, disaster narrative, post disaster memory, memory retention, retelling, quakecore, communication, cultural impact, earthquake safety, aftermath, earthquake drills, infrastructure damage, community, business impact
- dc.title
- Transcript of Paul Barrett's earthquake story
- dc.description
A pdf transcript of Paul Barrett's second earthquake story, captured by the UC QuakeBox Take 2 project.
Interviewer: Samuel Hope. Transcriber: Josie Hepburn.
- Creator(s)
- Samuel Hope, Josie Hepburn
- Tags
- infrastructure damage, infrastructure, EQC, insurance, infrastructure, building damage, health hazard, relocation, property loss, legal action, government response, earthquake policy, government policy, infrastructural resilience, earthquake safe buildings, earthquake behaviour, personal narrative, disaster narrative, retelling, post disaster memory, memory retention, quakecore, community
- dc.title
- Transcript of Peter Ngatuere's earthquake story
- dc.description
A pdf transcript of Peter Ngatuere's second earthquake story, captured by the UC QuakeBox Take 2 project.
Interviewer: Lucy Denham. Transcriber: Lucy Denham.
- Creator(s)
- Lucy Denham
- Tags
- government response, property loss, earthquake behaviour, community, death, infrastructure damage, building damage, infrastructure, civil defense, injury, post disaster memory, memory retention, retelling, personal narrative, disaster narrative, quakecore, psychological impact, unemployment, job insecurity
- dc.title
- Transcript of David Penney's earthquake story
- dc.description
- Transcript of David Penney's earthquake story, captured by the UC QuakeBox project.
- Creator(s)
- Mike Peek
- Date
- 1:00pm 5th December 2012
- Tags
- quakecore, geology, government response, seismology, infrastructure, personal narrative, disaster narrative
- dc.title
- Transcript of Susan Holmes's earthquake story
- dc.description
- Transcript of Susan Holmes's earthquake story, captured by the UC QuakeBox project.
- Date
- 12:00pm 2nd June 2012
- Tags
- infrastructure damage, infrastructure, building damage, personal narrative, disaster narrative, quakecore, psychological impact, government response, cultural impact, community