A photograph of an opened filing cabinet at the Diabetes Centre on Hagley Avenue. The filing cabinet opened during the 4 September 2010 earthquake. There are also cracks in the wall to the right.
A photograph of casters which have broken off a desk at the Diabetes Centre on Hagley Avenue. The casters broke off during the 4 September 2010 earthquake.
A photograph of members of the Diabetes Centre team standing on the stairwell of the Diabetes Centre on Hagley Avenue. The hand rail to the left has been removed and placed on the stairs while the wall behind it is repainted.
A photograph of a room in the Diabetes Centre which has been prepared for repainting. Plastic sheeting has been placed over the carpet and the cracks in the pillar have been filled with epoxy resin.
A photograph of a room in the Diabetes Centre which has been prepared for repairs. The moveable stacks and counter have been covered in plastic sheeting and a tarpaulin has been draped over the carpet.