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Showing 101 - 120 of 147 results.
- dc.title
- Defining moments in nature : natural events, natural disasters, natural hazards and risk :what are they?, what do they mean?
- dc.description
- A brochure covering natural events, natural disasters, natural hazards and risk. It asks, 'what are they?' and 'what do they mean?'
- Date
- 12:00pm 1st August 2008
- Tags
- Government and Politics
- dc.title
- Object Overview: Liquefaction Study Waimakariri District
- dc.description
- Object Overview for 'Liquefaction Study Waimakariri District.'
- Tags
- Government and Politics, Environment and Ecology, Geoscience
- dc.title
- Article - Two Minutes in Time
- dc.description
- An article from Army News, March 2011 titled, "Two Minutes in Time".
- Tags
- NZDF, New Zealand Defence Force, CTV, two minutes silence, Government and Politics
- dc.title
- Ecological effects of the Christchurch Earthquake on our city estuary
- dc.description
- A report on the ecological effects of the Christchurch Earthquake upon the city's estuary.
- Date
- 12:00pm 1st August 2011
- Tags
- Government and Politics, Environment and Ecology
- dc.title
- Anglican Advocacy: Housing press release
- dc.description
- A PDF copy of a press release written by Jolyon White of Anglican Advocacy (formerly the Anglican Life Social Justice Unit) on the topic of social housing in post-quake Christchurch. The press release was written on 5 April 2013.
- Date
- 1:00pm 5th April 2013
- Tags
- housing, social housing, homelessness, MBIE, Anglican Life Social Justice Unit, Anglican Advocacy, Government and Politics, Community, Religion
- dc.title
- Independence Day in Christchurch
- dc.description
- A blog post from US Ambassador to New Zealand and Samoa, David Huebner, titled, "Independence Day in Christchurch".
- Creator(s)
- David Huebner
- Date
- 12:00pm 6th July 2011
- Tags
- US Embassy, Dr McWaine, American Independence Day, Lady Isaac, Jenny Harper, Jim Bolt, , Ceres New Zealand, Hilary Clinton, Barack Obama, Christchurch City Chorus, Dr Mohammed Musa, Government and Politics
- dc.title
- HMNZ Ships Otago and Pukaki
- dc.description
- An article from Navy Today April 2011 titled, "HMNZ Ships Otago and Pukaki".
- Tags
- Navy, Royal New Zealand Navy, RNZN, HMNZS Canterbury, HMNZS Otago, HMNZS Pukaki, Government and Politics
- dc.title
- Earthquake hazard and risk assessment study Stage 1 Part B: Probabilistic seismic hazard assessment and earthquake scenarios for the Canterbury region, and historic earthquakes in Christchurch
- dc.description
- This study led on from Earthquake hazard and risk assessment study Stage 1 Part A: Earthquake source identification and characterisation (Pettinga et al, 1998). It used the location and characteristics of active faults in the Canterbury region, and the historic record of earthquakes to estimate levels of ground shaking (MM intensity, peak ground acceleration and spectral accelerations) across Canterbury for different return periods. The study also provided earthquake scenarios for selected towns and cities in Canterbury, and undertook detailed investigations into the largest historic earthquakes in Christchurch and parts of the Canterbury region. See Object Overview for background and usage information.
- Creator(s)
- Mark Stirling, Kelvin Berryman, Gaye Downes, Mark Yetton, Jarg Pettinga
- Date
- 12:00pm 1st June 1999
- Tags
- Government and Politics, Environment and Ecology, Geoscience
- dc.title
- An update on trout spawning in the Avon River and notes on the effects of seismic activity on physical habitat
- dc.description
- An update on trout spawning in the Avon River and notes on the effects of seismic activity on physical habitat
- Creator(s)
- Mark Taylor, Frank Burdon, Winsome Blair
- Date
- 1:00pm 1st February 2012
- Tags
- Government and Politics, Environment and Ecology
- dc.title
- Empowered Christchurch: Submission on the Draft Transition Recovery Plan
- dc.description
- A copy of Empowered Christchurch's submission on CERA's Draft Transition Recovery Plan, Greater Christchurch Earthquake Recovery: transition to regeneration.
- Creator(s)
- Hugo Kristinsson
- Tags
- Government and Politics, Empowered Christchurch, CERA, Draft Transition Recovery Plan, submission
- dc.title
- Anglican Advocacy: Save Your Self - applicant 2 application form
- dc.description
- A scanned copy of a completed application form for the Anglican Advocacy team (previously Anglican Life Social Justice Unit) Save Your Self Interest Free Lending Program, dated 20 November 2013. Personal information has been redacted.
- Tags
- application, loan, finance, interest-free, Anglican, Pasifika, Pacific community, bond, rent, Government and Politics, Community, Religion
- dc.title
- Empowered Christchurch Letter to Gerry Brownlee 1
- dc.description
- A copy of a letter from Empowered Christchurch which was sent to Gerry Brownlee, Minsiter for the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery, on 15 April 2014. The letter lodges an Official Information Act request about the remediation of land that is subject to liquefaction and flooding.
- Date
- 12:00pm 15th April 2014
- Tags
- Empowered Christchurch, Gerry Brownlee, OIA, Official Information Act, land remediation, liquefaction, flooding, letter, Government and Politics
- dc.title
- Ecological effects of the Christchurch Earthquake on our city rivers
- dc.description
- A report covering the ecological effects of the Christchurch Earthquake upon the city's rivers.
- Date
- 12:00pm 1st August 2011
- Tags
- Government and Politics, Environment and Ecology
- dc.title
- Object Overview: Selwyn District engineering lifelines project: Earthuake hazard assessment
- dc.description
- Object Overview for 'Selwyn District engineering lifelines project: Earthuake hazard assessment'
- Tags
- Government and Politics, Environment and Ecology, Social Science
- dc.title
- Empowered Christchurch Letter to Helen Beaumont
- dc.description
- A copy of a letter from Hugo Kristinsson which was sent to Helen Beaumont, Manager of the Natural Environment and Heritage Unit at the Christchurch City Council, on 17 June 2014. The letter was sent on behalf of Empowered Christchurch. It is about legislation which, according to Kristinsson, determines land below the mean high water spring to be public land. Kristinsson is concerned that this legislation will cause 'hundred or even thousands' of people to lose their assets. He urges the Council to 'have the land surveyed and to redefine the CMA [Crown Minerals Act] before land claims are settled'.
- Creator(s)
- Hugo Kristinsson
- Date
- 12:00pm 17th June 2014
- Tags
- Hugo Kristinsson, Helen Beaumont, Natural Environment and Heritage Unit, Christchurch City Council, mean high water spring, land, Crown Minerals Act, land claims, letter, Government and Politics
- dc.title
- Empowered Christchurch: Newsletter 1
- dc.description
- A copy of Empowered Christchurch's first newsletter, published on 4 September 2014.
- Creator(s)
- Hugo Kristinsson
- Date
- 12:00pm 4th September 2014
- Tags
- Empowered Christchurch, EQC, insurance, CERA, newsletter, Government and Politics
- dc.title
- Empowered Christchurch Letter to Peter Sparrow
- dc.description
- A copy of a letter from Empowered Christchurch to Peter Sparrow, Director of Building Control and Rebuild at the Christchurch City Council, sent on 23 October 2014. The letter is a response to another letter sent by Peter Sparrow to Empowered Christchurch regarding existing use rights and exemptions from a building consent. In this letter, Empowered Christchurch requests furthur clarification from the Christchurch Building Consent Authority about these concepts.
- Date
- 1:00pm 23rd October 2014
- Tags
- Hugo Kristinsson, Christchurch City Council, Peter Sparrow, Building Control and Rebuild, existing use rights, building consent, Building Consent Authority, letter, Government and Politics
- dc.title
- Empowered Christchurch Mayoral Campaign: Media Release
- dc.description
- A copy of a media release announcing Hugo Kristinsson's decision to run for Christchurch Mayor in the 2013 Christchurch Local Body Elections.
- Date
- 8:12pm 1st August 2013
- Tags
- Mayor, Christchurch Mayor, Kristinsson, media release, Government and Politics
- dc.title
- Halswell River - earthquake information, December 2010
- dc.description
- An information leaflet distributed to ratepayers in the Halswell River Rating District, covering information and options regarding the damage to the Hallswell River following the September 2010 earthquake.
- Date
- 1:00pm 1st December 2010
- Tags
- Environment and Ecology, Government and Politics
- dc.title
- Dealing with Post-Quake Stress
- dc.description
- A blog post from US Ambassador to New Zealand and Samoa, David Huebner, titled, "Dealing with Post-Quake Stress".
- Creator(s)
- David Huebner
- Date
- 1:00pm 23rd March 2011
- Tags
- US Embassy, post-tragedy recovery, post-quake stress, psychological impact, US Department of State psychiatrist, Dr Marcia Meckler, Government and Politics