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Showing 41 - 60 of 201 results.
- dc.title
- Ruth Gardner's Blog 24/09/2010: Earthquake Update 24/9
- dc.description
- An entry from Ruth Gardner's blog for 24 September 2010 entitled, "Earthquake Update 24/9".
- Creator(s)
- Ruth Gardner
- Date
- 12:00pm 24th September 2010
- Tags
- quakecore, psychological impact, relocation, volunteerism, community, personal narrative, disaster narrative
- dc.title
- Ruth Gardner's Blog 13/05/2011: Crying over Carpet
- dc.description
- An entry from Ruth Gardner's blog for 13 May 2011 entitled, "Crying over Carpet".
- Creator(s)
- Ruth Gardner
- Date
- 12:00pm 13th May 2011
- Tags
- quakecore, organisational impact, relocation, psychological impact
- dc.title
- Ruth Gardner's Blog 25/10/2013: Extra Exercise
- dc.description
- An entry from Ruth Gardner's Blog for 25 October 2013 entitled, "Extra Exercise".
- Creator(s)
- Ruth Gardner
- Date
- 1:00pm 25th October 2013
- Tags
- quakecore, earthquake art, relocation
- dc.title
- CanCERN Newsletter 14, 6 October 2011
- dc.description
- A copy of the CanCERN online newsletter published on 6 October 2011
- Date
- 1:00pm 6th October 2011
- Tags
- recovery, community, community recovery, quakecore, insurance, EQC, building damage, infrastructure damage, infrastructure, community activism, earthquake recovery, disaster management, red zone, relocation
- dc.title
- Kristy Constable-Brown's Story
- dc.description
- Summary of oral history interview with Kristy Constable-Brown about her experiences of the Canterbury earthquakes.
- Creator(s)
- Brigid Buckenham
- Date
- 1:00pm 14th October 2013
- Tags
- quakecore, economic effect, economic stress, property loss, relocation, preparedness, earthquake safety, psychological impact, psychological trauma, earthquake trauma, building damage, infrastructure damage, infrastructure, community resilience, community, psychological recovery, community recovery, EQC, aftermath, personal narrative, disaster narrative
- dc.title
- Transcript of Rae Willis's earthquake story
- dc.description
- A pdf transcript of Rae Willis's earthquake story, captured by the UC QuakeBox project.
- Tags
- occupational impact, job insecurity, relocation, organisational impact, death, earthquake behaviour, infrastructure, infrastructure damage, building damage, aftermath, personal narrative, disaster narrative, quakecore, business impact, business resilience
- dc.title
- Transcript of Rosie Belton's earthquake story
- dc.description
- A pdf transcript of Rosie Belton's earthquake story, captured by the UC QuakeBox project.
- Tags
- quakecore, earthquake trauma, property loss, psychological impact, psychological impact, unemployment, infrastructure damage, infrastructure, building damage, earthquake behaviour, EQC, insurance, aftermath, community, animals, restoration, earthquake recovery, personal narrative, disaster narrative, relocation
- dc.title
- Transcript of Sue French's earthquake story
- dc.description
- Transcript of Sue French's earthquake story, captured by the UC QuakeBox project.
- Creator(s)
- Andrew MacFarlane
- Date
- 12:00pm 25th April 2013
- Tags
- quakecore, triage care, occupational stress, occupational risk, occupational trauma, psychological trauma, injury, death, earthquake behaviour, infrastructure, infrastructure damage, building damage, aftermath, earthquake safety, community, frontline workers, disaster response, personal narrative, disaster narrative, relocation
- dc.title
- Transcript of Flora (Flo) McGregor's earthquake story
- dc.description
- Transcript of Flora (Flo) McGregor's earthquake story, captured by the UC QuakeBox project.
- Creator(s)
- Andrew MacFarlane
- Date
- 12:00pm 25th April 2013
- Tags
- quakecore, disability, animals, EQC, insurance, community, earthquake behaviour, earthquake safety, preparedness, earthquake recovery, infrastructure damage, building damage, infrastructure, relocation, indigenous narrative, disaster narrative, personal narrative, aftermath, territorial army, disaster response
- dc.title
- Oral history interview with Dame Malvina Major
- dc.description
- Oral history interview with Dame Malvina Major about her experiences of the Canterbury earthquakes. Location: Darfield, Ilam, Christchurch. Pseudonym used to identify interviewee.
- Tags
- quakecore, insurance, building damage, property loss, infrastructure damage, occupational impact, organisational impact, psychological impact, psychological trauma, earthquake trauma, psychological recovery, community, relocation, personal narrative, disaster narrative, geography, cultural history, cultural heritage
- dc.title
- Oral history interview with Mary Hamilton
- dc.description
- Oral history interview with Mary Hamilton about her experiences of the Canterbury earthquakes. Location: Shirley.
- Tags
- quakecore, cultural response, cultural impact, cultural heritage, architecture, psychological impact, psychological trauma, earthquake trauma, economic stress, economic effect, community, property loss, building damage, infrastructure damage, infrastructure, relocation, preparedness, personal narrative, disaster narrative, transport, injury, death, restoration
- dc.title
- Susan Allen's Story
- dc.description
- Summary of oral history interview with Susan Allen about her experiences of the Canterbury earthquakes.
- Creator(s)
- Helene Mautner
- Date
- 12:00pm 3rd June 2012
- Tags
- resilience, psychological resilience, occupational impact, organisational impact, relocation, psychological impact, earthquake trauma, psychological trauma, community, property loss, EQC, insurance, unemployment, job insecurity, aftermath, earthquake safety, economic effect, earthquake behaviour, recovery, building damage, infrastructure damage, infrastructure, personal narrative, disaster narrative, quakecore, earthquake education, seismology, geology
- dc.title
- Teruyo's Story
- dc.description
- Summary of oral history interview with Teruyo about her experiences of the Canterbury earthquakes.
- Creator(s)
- Judith Sutherland
- Tags
- quakecore, immigrant, relocation, business loss, occupational impact, occupational resilience, organisational impact, organisational resilience, business sustainability, earthquake behaviour, job insecurity, unemployment, infrastructure damage, infrastructure, building damage, business recovery, tourism, tourism disaster recovery, personal narrative, disaster narrative
- dc.title
- Sina Lemana's Story
- dc.description
- Summary of oral history interview with Sina Lemana about her experiences of the Canterbury earthquakes.
- Creator(s)
- Brigid Buckenham
- Date
- 1:00pm 1st October 2013
- Tags
- quakecore, injury, volunteerism, earthquake behaviour, legal action, community, property loss, economic effect, economic stress, psychological impact, infrastructure damage, infrastructure, building damage, personal narrative, disaster narrative, relocation, homelessness, aftermath
- dc.title
- Transcript of Melissa's earthquake story
- dc.description
- Transcript of Melissa's earthquake story, captured by the UC QuakeBox project.
- Creator(s)
- Morgana Mountfort-Davies
- Date
- 12:00pm 3rd June 2013
- Tags
- quakecore, psychological impact, earthquake behaviour, relocation, infrastructure, infrastructure damage, building damage, personal narrative, disaster narrative
- dc.title
- Transcript of Anton Wartmann's earthquake story
- dc.description
- Transcript of Anton Wartmann's earthquake story, captured by the UC QuakeBox project.
- Creator(s)
- Mike Peek
- Date
- 1:00pm 31st January 2013
- Tags
- building damage, property loss, aftermath, earthquake behaviour, EQC, insurance, government response, personal narrative, disaster narrative, quakecore, relocation, infrastructure, contract, media, business impact, business loss, infrastructure damage, legal action
- dc.title
- Transcript of Ann's earthquake story
- dc.description
- Transcript of Ann's earthquake story, captured by the UC QuakeBox project.
- Creator(s)
- Mike Peek
- Date
- 1:00pm 1st February 2013
- Tags
- quakecore, infarstructure damage, infrastructure, building damage, aftermath, disability, cultural heritage, earthquake behaviour, disaster response, frontline workers, community organisations, property loss, restoration, earthquake safety, relocation, earthquake safety protocol, animals, community, community resilience, community recovery, architecture, personal narrative, disaster narrative, psychological impact, preparedness
- dc.title
- Transcript of Bertha Tobias's earthquake story
- dc.description
- Transcript of Bertha Tobias's earthquake story, captured by the UC QuakeBox project.
- Creator(s)
- Mike Peek
- Date
- 1:00pm 30th January 2013
- Tags
- quakecore, territorial army, community, relocation, building damage, disaster response, preparedness, infrastructure, infrastructure damage, earthquake behaviour, earthquake safety, death, disability, aftermath, personal narrative, disaster narrative
- dc.title
- Transcript of participant number LY191's earthquake story
- dc.description
- A pdf transcript of participant number LY191's earthquake story, captured by the UC QuakeBox project.
- Tags
- quakecore, earthquake behaviour, infrastructure, infrastructure damage, relocation, building damage, aftermath, psychological impact, personal narrative, disaster narrative
- dc.title
- Transcript of Beryl's earthquake story
- dc.description
- Transcript of Beryl's earthquake story, captured by the UC QuakeBox project.
- Creator(s)
- Alia Hope-Wilson
- Date
- 1:00pm 15th November 2012
- Tags
- quakecore, infrastructure, infrastructure damage, building damage, infrastructure, death, psychological impact, psychological trauma, earthquake trauma, community, aftermath, community resilience, cultural impact, relocation