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- dc.title
- Nic Johns and Mark Osborne WEMO Photograph 115
- dc.description
- A photograph of members of Red Cross in Cowles Stadium on Pages Road. The stadium was set up as a Civil Defence Report Centre after the 4 September 2010 earthquake. Boxes of supplies are stacked against the wall to the right.
- Creator(s)
- Mark Osborne, Nic Johns
- Date
- 9:04pm 15th September 2010
- Tags
- Red Cross, Civil Defence Report Centre, supplies, Pages Road, Civil Defence, Cowles Stadium, Government and Politics
- dc.title
- SCIRT and New Zealand Red Cross collaboration workshop summary
- dc.description
- A document created to summarise the initial SCIRT and New Zealand Red Cross collaboration workshop.
- Creator(s)
- Tia Chakravarty
- Date
- 1:00pm 12th February 2015
- Tags
- Red Cross, collaboration, recovery, community, humanitarian
- dc.title
- New Zealand Defence Force photograph 796
- dc.description
- Westpac staff and members of the Royal New Zealand Navy holding a cheque for the Red Cross Christchurch Earthquake Fund.
- Creator(s)
- Sam Shepherd
- Date
- 3:35am 11th March 2011
- Tags
- Devonport, Group, NZDF, New Zealand Defence Force, Westpac, Royal New Zealand Navy, RNZN, Navy, Red Cross Earthquake Fund, Red Cross, Government and Politics
- dc.title
- Umut Akguzel Photograph 129
- dc.description
- A photograph of Red Cross team members and workers inside the temporary Civil Defence headquarters at the Christchurch Art Gallery.
- Creator(s)
- Umut Akguzel
- Date
- 1:48am 1st March 2011
- Tags
- Red Cross, Civil Defence, Christchurch Art Gallery, Community
- dc.title
- WEMO ERT Set 1 - March 2011 - Photograph 32
- dc.description
- A photograph of a Red Cross vehicle driving down Barbadoes Street towards the intersection of Gloucester Street. In the background is a partially-collapsed fish-and-chip store.
- Date
- 12:44pm 2nd March 2011
- Tags
- Red Cross, Barbadoes Street, Gloucester Street, fish and chips, Government and Politics
- dc.title
- About All Right? Presentations - Dr Rob's Tips
- dc.description
- A PDF copy of a presentation by Dr Rob Gordon (NZ Red Cross) and All Right?. The presentation provides six tips from Gordon for attaining wellbeing after a disaster, together with images from phase 2 of the All Right? campaign.
- Tags
- mental health, wellbeing, All Right?, Five Ways to Wellbeing, Rob Gordon, New Zealand Red Cross, presentation
- dc.title
- WEMO ERT Set 1 - March 2011 - Photograph 43
- dc.description
- A photograph of members of the Clandeboye Emergency Response Team and the Red Cross working on High Street near the intersection of Manchester Street. A digger is parked on the street in front of the workers. Behind the digger is a large pile of rubble from the ANZ Bank building.
- Date
- 4:47pm 2nd March 2011
- Tags
- ANZ Bank building, Tower Chambers Building, High Street, Manchester Street, excavator, digger, Red Cross, Clandeboye Emergency Response Team, rubble, Government and Politics
- dc.title
- All Right? Campaigns and Projects: It's All Right Red Cross Postcards
- dc.description
- A PDF copy of eight postcards from phase 1 of the All Right? campaign. The front of each postcard is an image beginning with the phrase, "It's All Right...". On the reverse is a short discussion of the specific emotion that the card seeks to normalise, and a space for writing ideas about what the reader can do to improve their wellbeing in relation to that emotion.
- Tags
- mental health, wellbeing, All Right?, It's All Right, phase 1, New Zealand Red Cross, postcard, Health and Wellbeing
- dc.title
- Nic Johns and Mark Osborne WEMO Photograph 073
- dc.description
- A photograph of members of the Wellington Emergency Management Office working at the reception area of Cowles Stadium. The stadium was set up by Civil Defence as temporary accommodation for those displaced by the 4 September 2010 earthquake.
- Creator(s)
- Mark Osborne, Nic Johns
- Date
- 8:19pm 13th September 2010
- Tags
- Red Cross, Civil Defence, Cowles Stadium, WEMO, Wellington Emergency Management Office, Government and Politics
- dc.title
- All Right? Resources: Red Cross Postcards 3
- dc.description
- A PDF copy of nine postcards created in collaboration with New Zealand Red Cross. The front of each postcard is an image depicting one of the Five Ways to Wellbeing. On the reverse is list of six wellbeing tips by Dr Rob Gordon and the contact details for the Canterbury Support Line.
- Tags
- mental health, wellbeing, All Right?, Five Ways to Wellbeing, phase 2, Red Cross, Rob Gordon, postcard, Health and Wellbeing
- dc.title
- Nic Johns and Mark Osborne WEMO Photograph 079
- dc.description
- A photograph of volunteers from the Wellington Emergency Management Office talking to members of the Red Cross in Cowles Stadium. The stadium was set up by Civil Defence as temporary accommodation for those displaced by the 4 September 2010 earthquake.
- Creator(s)
- Mark Osborne, Nic Johns
- Date
- 9:48pm 13th September 2010
- Tags
- Civil Defence, Cowles Stadium, Red Cross, WEMO, Wellington Emergency Management Office, Government and Politics
- dc.title
- All Right? in Christchurch Central Photograph 8
- dc.description
- A photograph of Red Cross NZ volunteers putting All Right? corflute signs on cordon fence. Hotel Ibis is in the background. The All Right? corflute signs are from phase 2 of the All Right? campaign, which sought to promote the 'Five Ways To Wellbeing' by asking simple, open-ended questions related to wellbeing.
- Tags
- mental health, wellbeing, All Right?, Five Ways to Wellbeing, Red Cross NZ, Hotel Ibis, sign, corflute, fence, Health and Wellbeing
- dc.title
- Humaneers action learning group runsheet
- dc.description
- A runsheet created for the SCIRT and New Zealand Red Cross humaneers action learning group.
- Creator(s)
- Stronger Christchurch Infrastructure Rebuild Team (SCIRT), New Zealand Red Cross
- Date
- 1:00pm 1st December 2015
- Tags
- Red Cross, collaboration, recovery, community, humanitarian
- dc.title
- Humaneers action learning group flyer
- dc.description
- A flyer which was attached to an email inviting people to the Humaneers action learning group.
- Creator(s)
- Stronger Christchurch Infrastructure Rebuild Team (SCIRT), New Zealand Red Cross
- Date
- 1:00pm 1st December 2015
- Tags
- Red Cross, collaboration, recovery, community, humanitarian
- dc.title
- Engineering collaboration with Red Cross
- dc.description
- A document which outlines how SCIRT and the New Zealand Red Cross worked together to aid the recovery of Christchurch.
- Creator(s)
- Martine Cusack
- Date
- 12:00pm 10th April 2017
- Tags
- Red Cross, collaboration, recovery, community, humanitarian
- dc.title
- Natalie Kerschner WEMO Photograph 064
- dc.description
- A photograph of a stretcher with blankets and pillows sitting in the corner of Cowles Stadium. In the background, boxes full of supplies from the Red Cross and wrapped-up mattresses can be seen. The stadium served as temporary accommodation for refugees from the 4 September earthquake.
- Creator(s)
- Natalie Kerschner
- Date
- 12:28am 15th September 2010
- Tags
- blanket, pillow, Cowles Stadium, Red Cross, mattress, Civil Defence, Civil Defence Report Centre, Pages Road, Government and Politics
- dc.title
- Ray Whelan WEMO Photograph 50
- dc.description
- A photograph of a temporary sign set up at the entrance to Cowles Stadium by Civil Defence. The stadium was set up as temporary accommodation for citizens displaced by the 4 September 2010 earthquake. The sign reads, "Welcome to Cowles Stadium. Earthquake affected people only - you must register with Red Cross to receive help. Other help go to Winz Office, 154 Aldwins Road, Linwood. Please, no alcohol, no drugs on site. Food and drinks only in designated areas".
- Creator(s)
- Ray Whelan
- Date
- 10:48pm 15th September 2010
- Tags
- Cowles Stadium, Civil Defence, sign, Work and Income, Red Cross, Government and Politics
- dc.title
- SCIRT and New Zealand Red Cross collaboration workshop facilitation plan
- dc.description
- A runsheet created for the initial SCIRT and New Zealand Red Cross collaboration workshop.
- Creator(s)
- Tia Chakravarty
- Date
- 1:00pm 12th February 2015
- Tags
- Red Cross, collaboration, recovery, community, humanitarian
- dc.title
- Kim Wright WEMO Photograph 064
- dc.description
- A photograph of the entrance to Cowles Stadium on Pages Road. The stadium was set up by Civil Defence to serve as temporary accommodation for people displaced by the 4 September 2010 earthquake. Signs on the door read, "Civil Defence", "If you are unwwell with flu or cold, please go to the doctor and not enter" and "Welcome to Cowles Stadium. Earthquake affected people only - you must register with Red Cross to receive help. Other help go to Winz office, 154 Aldwins Road, Linwood. Please, no alcohol, no drugs on site. Food and drinks only in designated areas".
- Creator(s)
- Kim Wright
- Date
- 11:53pm 15th September 2010
- Tags
- Civil Defence, Work and Income, Red Cross, Cowles Stadium, flu, cold, door, Government and Politics
- dc.title
- Nic Johns and Mark Osborne WEMO Photograph 075
- dc.description
- A photograph of members of the Wellington Emergency Management Office working at the reception area of Cowles Stadium. The stadium was set up by Civil Defence as temporary accommodation for those displaced by the 4 September 2010 earthquake. A member of Red Cross is standing in front of the reception area talking to them.
- Creator(s)
- Mark Osborne, Nic Johns
- Date
- 9:10pm 13th September 2010
- Tags
- Red Cross, Civil Defence, Cowles Stadium, WEMO, Wellington Emergency Management Office, Government and Politics