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- dc.title
- Umut Akguzel Photograph 249
- dc.description
- A photograph of severe cracking above a window of the SBS bank on the corner of Manchester Street and Worcester Street.
- Creator(s)
- Umut Akguzel
- Date
- 12:41am 29th June 2011
- Tags
- SBS Bank, Manchester Street, Worcester Street, window, Community
- dc.title
- Umut Akguzel Photograph 469
- dc.description
- A photograph of closed businesses on High Street. USAR codes can be seen spray-painted on the windows and dead leaves have accumulated on the footpath.
- Creator(s)
- Umut Akguzel
- Date
- 3:45am 29th June 2011
- Tags
- High Street, USAR, spray paint, window, leaves, Community
- dc.title
- What Light Through Yonder Window Breaks?
- dc.description
- Broken stained glass in a window of the ChristChurch Cathedral. The photographer comments, "I only managed to get one picture of the badly earthquake damaged Christchurch Cathedral and I did not want to get the buttresses holding it up like some Medieval siege engine, so I thought this one was perfect. Looking through the window notice that the adjacent wall has gone and the blue windows belong to an office block across the road".
- Creator(s)
- Steven Taylor
- Date
- 12:01am 4th December 2011
- Tags
- CBD, 22 February 2011, broken, damage, church, cathedral, window, wire, netting, hole, stained glass, quake art
- dc.title
- Photograph of Whole House Reuse Item 032
- dc.description
- A photograph of Whole House Reuse item 32. This item was salvaged from 19 Admiral Way in New Brighton as part of the Whole House Reuse project.
- Creator(s)
- Kate McIntyre
- Date
- 11:42pm 13th October 2013
- Tags
- leadlight window, Whole House Reuse, Arts, Culture and Society
- dc.title
- Photograph of Whole House Reuse Item 027
- dc.description
- A photograph of Whole House Reuse item 27. This item was salvaged from 19 Admiral Way in New Brighton as part of the Whole House Reuse project.
- Creator(s)
- Kate McIntyre
- Date
- 11:57pm 13th October 2013
- Tags
- window, Whole House Reuse, Arts, Culture and Society
- dc.title
- Photograph by Neil Macbeth 181
- dc.description
- A team of Fire Service and Search and Rescue personnel using a crane to check the Forsyth Barr building for people trapped by the 22 February 2011 earthquake. A sign reading, "Help" has been stuck to a window in the floor below.
- Creator(s)
- Neil Macbeth
- Date
- 6:36am 23rd February 2011
- Tags
- New Zealand Fire Service, Forsyth Barr, window, Community
- dc.title
- BeckerFraserPhotos May 2011 photograph 0295
- dc.description
- Damage to a building on Worcester Street. The brick wall is badly cracked and is bowing outwards.
- Date
- 12:28am 28th May 2011
- Tags
- bricks, red zone, window, Worcester Street
- dc.title
- Ray Whelan WEMO Photograph 10
- dc.description
- A photograph of the earthquake damage to a building in the Christchurch central city. Some of the windows have been broken, and blinds are hanging out of them.
- Creator(s)
- Ray Whelan
- Date
- 3:58am 13th September 2010
- Tags
- window, blinds, Government and Politics
- dc.title
- Ray Whelan WEMO Photograph 51
- dc.description
- A photograph of an earthquake damaged building on Lichfield Street. The brick wall of the top storey has crumbled, exposing the wooden structure inside. Many of the windows have broken.
- Creator(s)
- Ray Whelan
- Date
- 12:45am 16th September 2010
- Tags
- bricks, window, Lichfield Street, Government and Politics
- dc.title
- Nic Johns and Mark Osborne WEMO Photograph 042
- dc.description
- A photograph of the earthquake damage to the awning and windows of Smith's Bookshop on Manchester Street.
- Creator(s)
- Mark Osborne, Nic Johns
- Date
- 5:01am 13th September 2010
- Tags
- Smith's Bookshop, bookshop, awning, window, Manchester Street, Government and Politics
- dc.title
- BeckerFraserPhotos April 2011 photograph 293
- dc.description
- Scaffolding and fences surrounding the Windsor Private Hotel on Armagh Street.
- Date
- 4:23am 17th April 2011
- Tags
- Windsor Private Hotel, Armagh Street, window
- dc.title
- Diabetes Centre Photograph 067
- dc.description
- A photograph of a window frame which has been removed from the Diabetes Centre and propped against the wall outside.
- Tags
- window, Diabetes Centre, Health and Wellbeing
- dc.title
- Thumbnail of Whole House Reuse Item 026
- dc.description
- A thumbnail photograph of Whole House Reuse item 26, cropped for the catalogue. This item was salvaged from 19 Admiral Way in New Brighton as part of the Whole House Reuse project.
- Creator(s)
- Kate McIntyre
- Tags
- window, Whole House Reuse, Arts, Culture and Society
- dc.title
- Jim Baltaxe WEMO Photograph 105
- dc.description
- A photograph of Munns the Man's Shop on Armagh Street. A number of mannequins have broken through the windows and are lying on the footpath in front. The others can still be seen through the damaged window.
- Creator(s)
- Jim Baltaxe
- Date
- 1:14am 9th March 2011
- Tags
- Munns, Munns the Man's Shop, mannequins, Armagh Street, glass, window, Government and Politics
- dc.title
- BeckerFraserPhotos December 2011 photograph 1988
- dc.description
- A photograph of a detail of the front of Christ Church Cathedral. A stained-glass window remains intact despite the collapsed stonework that surrounds it.
- Date
- 11:21pm 27th December 2011
- Tags
- Cathedral Square, Christ Church Cathedral, heritage building, stained glass window, stone, trees
- dc.title
- Drug Overdose
- dc.description
- A digitally manipulated image of a shop window. A vase is visible in the window, and the sillhouette of a mannequin in the background. The photographer comments, "The title came from the pot and the E on the window. This is a building that has been off limits since the Christchurch earthquake. The E was sprayed on the window by rescue teams after searching the building and finding it was empty. This is a very old wooden building that looks OK from the front, but terrible from the side as the previously adjoined building has been demolished.
- Creator(s)
- Steven Taylor
- Date
- 10:05pm 30th November 2012
- Tags
- Hereford Street, CBD, Red Zone, window, pot, mannequin
- dc.title
- WEMO ERT Set 3 - February 2011 - Photograph 156
- dc.description
- A photograph of the earthquake damage to a building on the corner of Hereford and Madras Streets. Sections of the walls have crumbled, the bricks spilling onto the footpath below. The frame of a window has fallen onto the scaffolding, and many of the glass windows have smashed.
- Date
- 1:48am 1st March 2011
- Tags
- Hereford Street, Madras Street, bricks, scaffolding, window, glass, window frame, Government and Politics
- dc.title
- Jim Baltaxe WEMO Photograph 126
- dc.description
- A photograph of the earthquake damage to the Christchurch Chinese Methodist Church on Papanui Road. The gable wall has crumbled, the bricks and window frame falling onto the ground. Wire fencing has been placed around the building as a cordon.
- Creator(s)
- Jim Baltaxe
- Date
- 11:37pm 9th March 2011
- Tags
- window, bricks, cordon fence, Christchurch Chinese Methodist Church, Papanui Road, Government and Politics
- dc.title
- Umut Akguzel Photograph 255
- dc.description
- A photograph of the badly-damaged Gordon Harris building on Worcester Street. There are large cracks in the walls and the glass has fallen out of the windows.
- Creator(s)
- Umut Akguzel
- Date
- 12:43am 29th June 2011
- Tags
- Gordon Harris, Worcester Street, cracks, window, glass, Community
- dc.title
- Umut Akguzel Photograph 399
- dc.description
- A photograph of closed businesses along Colombo Street. A window of the AMI building has been boarded up with plywood and dead leaves have gathered on the footpath outside.
- Creator(s)
- Umut Akguzel
- Date
- 2:11am 29th June 2011
- Tags
- Colombo Street, AMI Insurance, plywood, window, Community